Key Competences
To review the vocabulary related to muscles.
To activate previous knowledge about the locomotor system.
The student identifies the muscles from a picture.
The student writes the muscles previously described.
The student associates bones and muscles.
To recognise the muscles from a picture.
To know how to write the muscles and their functions.

Muscles (biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, gluteus, quadriceps, calf muscles).
Cross Curricular
Correct body postures.

Powerpoint presentation 2.1
Analyse (Pecha Kucha and Back to the Board mixed)
For this activity the students will be working in pairs. Four muscle pictures will be used in this Pecha Kucha. The student A, looking at the board, has to describe the muscle seen to the student B, who is back to the board. The student that is describing cannot make gestures or point, just give definitions.
Powerpoint presentation 2.1.

Add (Think, Pair, Share + memory game)
At this stage, pupils will remain in groups of five. The teacher gives every group an activity sheet. This activity sheet has a table to play with and a handout with names of muscles, bones and actions (each category has a different colour). Cards have the same colour in both sides of the paper. They have to cut out the names, face them down and mix. After this, in turns, they have to take one card of each colour and place them on the table only if the three of them are related. If the cards have no connection, they have to face them down again in the same place where they were taken, in order to use the memory. They end when the table is completed. The assessment will be made when the teacher provides the answers in the white board and they have to assess themselves.
Worksheet 2.2.


Apply (Running Dictation)
Students do this activity in groups of five. A different text per group will be hanged on the wall by the teacher. One student from each group has to read the text and remember a few words from it; then, he has to run back to his group and dictate it; one of them has to write it down and the other three students have to check grammar and spelling. At the end of each sentence dictated, they swap roles, till they have all the text written down. In order to see if the text is right, students have to check their own text with the one hanging on the wall. Once they have learnt how the game works, each group has to think of two sentences related to the topic. This will be the text for another group and they will play again.
Worksheet 2.3. 


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